Customers who purchase Broiler or Layer fertile eggs from us will fall under a compensation program with terms below
1. A temperature and humidity log is to be kept in the incubator and hatcher for the full 21 days of incubation and hatching using a calibrated temperature logger and records shared with us . Manual recordings not allowed. If you don't have log data for 21 days then the compensation program will not cover your order. Navigate for assistance on how to install and use a data logger
2. A properly completed hatching form is submitted at stages 1, 2 and 3, after emails have been sent to you.
3. A properly completed fertile egg questionnaire is submitted with relevant data and evidence for each compensation request.
4. Maximum compensation is 75% fertility and final figure will be based on information and evidence supplied. Compensation is based on fertility rates and not hatch rates. If you don't measure fertility then the compensation program wont cover your order. Click here for further information on hatching statistics.
5. Completion of our free online Hatchery Essentials course prior to commencing of incubation and hatching. Request an account from
6. No cash compensations will be made. Compensation will be in resupply of fertile eggs or reduced future purchase price or discounts at an agreed and suitable date with customers.
7. Fertile eggs collected after 5 days (or incubated after 8 days or more) from when Ready to Collect notice is emailed and SMS'ed to customer, or courier orders not delivered within 5 days to customers are not covered by the compensation program.
8. Claims must be lodged within 5 working days of the hatch date or 25 days from incubation date or 30 days from collection or dispatch date, whichever is the latest date. Late claims will not be entertained.
9. All communications will be via email or via our HelpDesk system . No other channels will be monitored or responded to for any compensation requests.
10. Customers not satisfied with the outcome of the process or compensation are entitled to approach a court of law or Consumer Ombudsman for arbitration or a court order.